10 Jun 2024

An Unexpected Commission

A month or so back (I think) I was chatting to a friend on Mastodon about looking to do some random free commissions to get some practice doing different kinds of things, this same motivation is what led to the custom Elf Dullist I did, and he had what seemed like a strange suggestion. I didn’t actually fully understand the nature of the mini he was after but it was a man, with the body of a large glow worm, wielding a chainsword, what made it interesting was that it was to honour an event organiser for blood bowl tournament called Thrudball with a custom coach miniature - so that was cool and I went ahead and had a great time doing it.


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01 Jun 2024

Rogue Element

Rogue Element is complete and available to download for free on Cults 3D. It is a solo or co-op cyberpunk infiltration game, with each game lasting up to 45 minutes and a built-in campaign mode that lets you advance and improve your operatives, it makes for an engaging and fast playing tableto game.

Rogue Element

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02 May 2024

Get Snekked

Last month when I released Junk Run, the last miniature I made for it was the Iron Snake. Or, if you were to look at that miniature, the Iron Worm. In the short time I had it just failed to live up to the quality I had wanted - which says a lot because I’d set a nice friendly low bar for myself. Anyway the long and short of it is I made a new version while teaching myself a little bit about Geometry Nodes and here it is:

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28 Apr 2024

Custom Elf Sculpt

I recently offered to sculpt a mini for someone, really just for some practice, and the person that took me up on the offer had a character idea I really liked - an Elven Duelist with big guns and a taste for fashion. Ok the fashion part more than anything was where I knew I’d struggle.

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18 Apr 2024

Going Rogue

Just quick post about where I’m at with my next game, which I am calling “Rogue Element”. I was originally aiming to do another game within a month but I have been enjoying this one so much I think I need to extend into May. It’s not that it’s such a big project, just that I want to finish off some things properly and clear my desk for June and going forward.

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08 Apr 2024

A Cloak Measuring Contest

I had a little fun before getting started on my main project for this month after I got chatting to another 3D designer that goes by Mageworks. Feeling buoyed by my Junk Run experience I managed to talk myself into a Wizard-Off. I actually missed the deadline we set so this is my participation trophy post but it was such a nice experience and just great to get chatting with someone else getting stuck into this same hobby.

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01 Apr 2024

Junk Run

Well, March is over, the game is released, that’s a huge success in my mind. I ended up calling the game Junk Run which I really like, there’s a slight B-Movie vibe through the whole thing that is more a reflection on my interests than a specifically planned theme. I even created and published a neat little PDF rulebook for the game. I’ve written up a more detailed post in a new section of my site - hopefully I can add more games here. In fact I would love to do one a month! Is that a good idea?

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20 Mar 2024

There's always a weirder fish

I would like to direct your attention to the brilliant game “Space Weirdos” by Casey G. on itch.io, a skirmish game for about 5-10 minis of just some absolute space weirdos. It’s pretty cool. Also I just discovered it and boy does my game sound similar. Which is fine, except it’s just not sitting right with me since I found it. I want my game to be something else, something more unique I guess.

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