March 2024

The wrong reasons

Last time I posted about making a miniature, and I was feeling very proud, very driven to keep going and achieve my goal. Of course immediately after that I entered a slump, unsure of what to do next I just picked up previous projects and kept plodding along. This is something I struggle with. On the one hand I believe in seeing things through, in pushing on even if I am feeling down on myself, it’s worked, it helps. On the other hand I tend to let that blind me to what I should be doing, putting off something I will enjoy because I have already decided to see something through, I struggle with changing my plans.

As a quick aside, I believe I am autistic. I have not been diagnosed and I’m not seeking a diagnosis. What I am doing is learning about autism, applying those lessons to my life and seeing if they improve things, if they do then great, if not, also great. A label is not really important at my age but living better is. So when I find myself in a major slump doing things because it was “the plan” I have some idea why that might be and why changing might be difficult. This knowledge helps me reassess and make changes.

Here’s the slump project, a terrain set of trenches/walls in a 40k style. It’s actually going well, I could see me printing these and using them. But they bore me to model I just thought maybe they’d sell on Cults. That is the titular “wrong reason” for making stuff.

I will likely finish these in the coming months, I’ll pop in and out of the file and get them done because I like to finish things, but once again I need to stop and figure out what I actually want to be making. I need to find something to really interest me, something to challenge me, only then does it all start to fall into place. But tonight I’m tired, so I’ll sleep on it. Who knows what I’ll get into next.
