March 2024

Getting weird with it

As if summoned by my last post, I found something that I can throw myself into. And it’s maybe a little weird.

As per my last post I was making stuff and just not feeling it, and complaining about it, because that usually helps. Meanwhile on Mastodon a friend was trying to put together an entire wargame just 11 days before a convention (or something along those lines). Since I enjoyed making a miniature so much the answer now seems simple! Make some miniatures. In fact make a whole game, and release it before the end of March!

The idea is so great, I spent so long making my last mini and honestly I think I spend a lot of time fussing and overthinking. I am also aware that I am trying to be seen as already accomplished. I feel like I don’t belong and so I worry about making something less than amazing, even though I know that is an absurd position. I am allowed to be learning, I am allowed to make something “terrible” and to still be proud and love it all the same. So I’m going to do that.

I am going to make a miniatures skirmish game called Weirdos. 4-5 minis per side, just absolute freeform mini making, no plans, just weird models and weird rules. I will probably have somewhere between 3 and 6 hours to spend per mini so corners will be cut, decisions will be made for good or ill, and the game will be released and will be delightfully, willfully, terrible!

I’ve already started!

That’s some kind of slime guy and a hunched little alien dude. Why? I don’t know. But I like them, well I like the slime guy mostly I’m not so sure about the other one BUT THERE’S NO TIME TO DOUBT! MUST KEEP SCULPTING!

I’m having a blast.
